The Back Woods…

The Back Woods…

Estella PA is a suburb of Forksville PA.   Forksville has a population of 145 people at last census.  What’s interesting about Estella is that this building is not only still standing, it appears to still be in some use.  If you like to just get out and go for a...
The Edge

The Edge

So this year the Pennsylvania weather patterns are being influenced by El Nino in the Pacific and it’s created a lot of heavy fog, high temp days in the 50s and 60s.  I had to go south to Lewisburg PA to take care of some equipment for one of my employers and...


I feel forces all around me Come on raise your head Those who hide behind the shadows Live with all that’s dead Creed This image was taken many many years ago in a dark part of my life.  While listening to Creed’s music tonight I found the connection back...